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The contents of the “Weekly Feature” page are provided to you for your entertainment, amusement, and perhaps information. Here you may find articles of interest, pictures, historical information on the Club, or whatever shuffles to the top of the pile on our desk. The only defined characteristic of this space is that we will make every effort to change/replace it around the middle of each week. Thank you for visiting, and please stop by again. Click on any photo to see it larger in a separate window.

Feel Better ??

It’s probably the early manifestations of Seasonal Affective Disorder, which has been prompted by the weather to make a premature appearance this year, but I seem to find no shortage of things to gripe about. At a moment’s notice, I can launch into a tirade about the most recent 4 or 5 things that tick me off. (Bear in mind that I usually write this stuff about 5 am, otherwise the length of the list would be prohibitive) It’s probably another symptom of advancing age, as well, that I find less to appreciate and more to bitch about. That’s just the way the program is laid out, I guess, and I seem to be right on schedule.

If I see one more PSA (public service announcement) about the bold new television system we are all being dragged into, I’m gonna load up another wheelbarrow full of some of those old vacuum tubes and CRT’s I have left over from my productive years, and take them out back for a little aggression therapy with my favorite sidearm. I know, it may sound a little eccentric, but it just isn’t politically correct to go shoot up the local saloon anymore, or stampede somebody’s herd of cattle, or foul their well, like we could do in the old days when we felt a little out-of-sorts. We just don’t have all the available outlets for creative discontent anymore. But that’s a story for another day.

Maybe I’m wrong, but I doubt if you can find me a single soul, crying in the wilderness out there, who has been wringing his thin, un-calloused hands over the poor quality of his TV picture. I’m still looking for that bespectacled nerd that has been dashing off weekly letters to his Congressman and the FCC complaining that the definition on his TV just isn’t good enough. Where is the outrage, people? How did we achieve such a critical mass of displeasure with the current system that we coerced the government into mandating the complete overhaul of a system that was serving us just fine? Was this really the one over-riding problem and concern faced by our great Nation in the last 10 years? We didn’t seem to sense the impending crash of the mortgage market, the fragile state of the auto industry, or the fact that a whole group of people out there hate us, but, by God, we’re gonna get out in front of that whole digital TV revolution. Guess we’ve got our priorities straight, eh? Maybe all of us wood ticks out here in Fergus just didn’t realize how deprived we were.

The old-timers sitting around the corn burner at the Fergus Feed and Farm store now have a whole new problem to deal with. In the past, when one of the boys said something about a 720, he was talking about his favorite John Deere. Now it’s a reference to DPI. 720 or 1080, which way to go? LCD or Plasma ? Where does the yellow wire go? Do I have to put new tin foil on the rabbit ears? Then one of the younger council members will say, “Look it up on the web site, Harold”. Then, of course, Harold will say, “Web sight? Hell, I put one of them on my 30-06 and I couldn’t hit the long side of the barn!” And the discussion just continues to degenerate from there, drifting toward talk of hearing aids, dementia, and rest homes.

So we find ourselves at the dawn of another new era, one that will allow us to witness in excruciating detail, the receding of Matt Lauer’s hairline, the growth of that suspicious mole on Barbara Walter’s chin, and oh yes, the return of Rosie O’Donnel to prime time. Yup, can’t hardly wait for February, comforted by this evidence that our agile government is able to anticipate our every need and respond accordingly. Don’t touch that dial, maybe they’ll change the channel for you too !


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This site designed and maintained by Eric Schuman