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The contents of the “Weekly Feature” page are provided to you for your entertainment, amusement, and perhaps information. Here you may find articles of interest, pictures, historical information on the Club, or whatever shuffles to the top of the pile on our desk. The only defined characteristic of this space is that we will make every effort to change/replace it around the middle of each week. Thank you for visiting, and please stop by again. Click on any photo to see it larger in a separate window.


So, it’s that time of the year when we blow the soybean fuzz and dog hair off the old crystal ball, douche it with a little Windex, give it a small caress, and see what the magic orb shows for our future. Bear in mind that we live in Michigan, and it is near November, so our crystal ball more closely resembles a snow globe, but that’s a story for another day.

Just like in our own lives, what happens in our future has a lot to do with what we’ve done in the past. I think most would agree that our club has labored long and hard to lay the foundations for a successful future. In that regard, we have advanced on several fronts this year. We have added the new “Walt Shop” service and repair facility to our inventory of resources, the Haak family memorial building has been more than doubled in size, our acreage has increased, we hosted a very successful enterprise in the form of our Fall Swap Meet, and of course we did a very thorough flushing of our tile drainage system right during the show this year.

It seems to me that we have done a diligent job of charting our course for the years to come, the generations to come. When I see young people still eager to join our numbers and become members, I view that the same as one might note new branches on a tree. They are indicative of a thriving life force still within, a potential for spreading new growth in new directions, and that the roots are all still firmly planted in the history of our past.

What’s ahead? Well, we can’t know all the variables, of course, but we do know a few “givens”. We’ll be cracking open and lighting up the old Showgrounds, bright and early next April, eager to start a new season. You know the headline, it’s a legend now; “The Roar of the Tractors, and the…..”. But, the thing is, we don’t really close up shop for winter around here. We have the November meeting where everybody is nervously drumming their fingers, waiting for opening day of deer season, then the Christmas party meeting where there will be too much food, too many happy kids, and too many tall tales told. And then it will be January, and we’ll be starting to put together the new Board, designing the new showbook, setting up committees, and ignoring the fact that the snow is still a foot deep outside. It will be 2012, and the August Show, our 38th, will be up on the marquee for all to see. What’s it going to look like? Bigger and better than ever, that’s what. Oh, and one more detail, (time to let the cat out of the bag) it’s going to look a little something like this---see below for a sneak preview of what’s going to shine in our 2012 Featured Brand Corner !!

(click individual photos to enlarge)

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©2007-2011 Mid Michigan Old Gas Tractor Association (MMOGTA). The contents of all materials available on this Internet site are copyrighted by Mid Michigan Old Gas Tractor Association (MMOGTA) unless otherwise indicated. All rights are reserved by Mid Michigan Old Gas Tractor Association (MMOGTA), and content may not be reproduced, downloaded, disseminated, published, or transferred in any form or by any means, except with the prior written permission of Mid Michigan Old Gas Tractor Association (MMOGTA). Any unauthorized usage on newsgroups, or other internet sites, or unauthorized reproduction, printing or sales of these images is prohibited under existing Federal Copyright laws of the United States. We will actively prosecute those that duplicate, distribute or otherwise use our images without express written authorization or release. Mid Michigan Old Gas Tractor Association (MMOGTA) maintains this website to enhance public access to information about its functions and policies in general. Our goal is to keep this information timely and accurate. If errors are brought to our attention, we will try to correct them as soon as possible. Mid Michigan Old Gas Tractor Association (MMOGTA), however, accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the material on this site.

This site designed and maintained by Eric Schuman